Administrative Burden Baseline Update 2015

The Administrative Burden Baseline provides Canadians with a clear metric on the total number of requirements in federal regulations and associated forms that impose administrative burden on business. This baseline contributes to the openness and transparency of the federal regulatory system.

All federal regulations that are administered by Health Canada that have requirements that impose administrative burden on business are identified below. The total 2015 count is 15945. The total June 30, 2014 baseline count is 15649 and can be viewed on the June 30, 2014 Administrative Burden Baseline Count page.

Administrative Burden Baseline Count:

Title of Act: Assisted Human Reproduction Act
Title of the Regulation SOR/CRC/SI Number 2015 Count
Assisted Human Reproduction (Section 8 Consent) Regulations SOR/2007-137 32
Title of Act: Canada Health Act
Title of the Regulation SOR/CRC/SI Number 2015 Count
Extra-billing and User Charges Information Regulations SOR/86-259 0
Title of Act: Canada Consumer Product Safety Act
Title of the Regulation SOR/CRC/SI Number 2015 Count
Administrative Monetary Penalties (Consumer Products) Regulations SOR/2013-101 0
Asbestos Products Regulations SOR/2007-260 0
Candles Regulations SOR/2011-18 0
Carbonated Beverage Glass Containers Regulations SOR/80-831 0
Carriages and Strollers Regulations SOR/85-379 0
Children's Jewellery Regulations SOR/2011-19 0
Children's Sleepwear Regulations SOR/2011-15 0
Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001 SOR/2001-269 0
Consumer Products Containing Lead (Contact with Mouth) Regulations SOR/2010-273 0
Corded Window Covering Products Regulations SOR/2009-112 0
Cribs, Cradles and Bassinets Regulations SOR/2010-261 0
Exemption Regulations (Consumer Products) SOR/2015-97 0
Face Protectors for Ice Hockey and Box Lacrosse Players Regulations SOR/2011-20 0
Glass Doors and Enclosures Regulations SOR/2009-110 0
Glazed Ceramics and Glassware Regulations SOR/98-176 0
Hazardous Products (Carpet) Regulations C.R.C., c. 923 8
Hazardous Products (Cellulose Insulation) Regulations SOR/79-732 0
Hazardous Products (Charcoal) Regulations C.R.C., c. 924 0
Hazardous Products (Expansion Gates and Expandable Enclosures) Regulations SOR/90-39 0
Hazardous Products (Infant Feeding Bottle Nipples) Regulations SOR/84-271 0
Hazardous Products (Kettles) Regulations C.R.C., c. 927 0
Hazardous Products (Matches) Regulations C.R.C., c. 929 0
Hazardous Products (Mattresses) Regulations SOR/80-810 0
Hazardous Products (Pacifiers) Regulations C.R.C., c. 930 0
Hazardous Products (Tents) Regulations SOR/90-245 0
Ice Hockey Helmet Regulations SOR/2011-21 0
Lighters Regulations SOR/2008-231 0
Phthalates Regulations SOR/2010-298 0
Playpens Regulations C.R.C., c. 932 0
Residential Detectors Regulations SOR/2009-193 0
Restraint Systems and Booster Seats for Motor Vehicles Regulations SOR/2011-16 0
Science Education Sets Regulations C.R.C., c. 934 1
Surface Coating Materials Regulations SOR/2005-109 0
Textile Flammability Regulations SOR/2011-22 0
Toys Regulations SOR/2011-17 0

Please note that the administrative burden baseline counts for the Canadian Environment Protection Act, 1999 are posted on Environment Canada's website. Please visit Environment Canada's Administrative Burden Baseline Page to view this count.

Title of Act: Food and Drugs Act
Title of the Regulation SOR/CRC/SI Number 2015 Count
Blood Regulations SOR/2013-178 369
Cosmetic Regulations C.R.C., c. 869 24
Food and Drug Regulations C.R.C., c. 870 5427
Marihuana Exemption (Food and Drugs Act) Regulations SOR/2013-120 0
Marketing Authorization for Food Additives That May be Used as Anticaking Agents SOR/2012-202 0
Marketing Authorization for Food Additives That May be Used as Bleaching, Maturing, or Dough Conditioning Agents SOR/2012-203 0
Marketing Authorization for Food Additives That May be Used as Carrier or Extraction Solvents SOR/2012-216 0
Marketing Authorization for Food Additives That May be Used as Colouring Agents SOR/2012-204 0
Marketing Authorization for Food Additives That May be Used as Emulsifying, Gelling, Stablilizing or Thickening Agents SOR/2012-205 0
Marketing Authorization for Food Additives That May be Used as Firming Agents SOR/2012-207 0
Marketing Authorization for Food Additives That May be Used as Food Enzymes SOR/2012-206 0
Marketing Authorization for Food Additives That May be Used as Glazing or Polishing Agents SOR/2012-208 0
Marketing Authorization for Food Additives That May be Used as pH Adjusting Agents, Acid-Reacting Materials or Water Correcting Agents SOR/2012-211 0
Marketing Authorization for Food Additives That May be Used as Preservatives SOR/2012-212 0
Marketing Authorization for Food Additives That May be Used as Sequestering Agents SOR/2012-213 0
Marketing Authorization for Food Additives That May be Used as Starch-Modifying Agents SOR/2012-214 0
Marketing Authorization for Food Additives That May be Used as Sweeteners SOR/2012-210 0
Marketing Authorization for Food Additives That May be Used as Yeast Foods SOR/2012-215 0
Marketing Authorization for Food Additives with Other Generally Accepted Uses SOR/2012-209 0
Marketing Authorization for Maximum Residue Limits for Veterinary Drugs in Foods SOR/2013-87 0
Medical Devices Regulations SOR/98-282 1131
Natural Health Products Regulations SOR/2003-196 1962
Processing and Distribution of Semen for Assisted Conception Regulations SOR/96-254 56
Safety of Human Cells, Tissues and Organs for Transplantation Regulations SOR/2007-118 96
Title of Act: Hazardous Products Act
Title of the Regulation SOR/CRC/SI Number 2015 Count
Hazardous Products Regulations SOR/2015-17 2

Title of Act: Patent Act

Please note that the administrative burden baseline counts for the Patent Act are posted on Industry Canada's website. Please visit Industry Canada's Administrative Burden Baseline Page to view this count.

Title of Act: Pesticide Residue Compensation Act
Title of the Regulation SOR/CRC/SI Number 2015 Count
Assessor's Rules of Procedure SOR/2003-293 0
Pesticide Residue Compensation Regulations C.R.C., c. 1254 14
Title of Act: Radiation Emitting Devices Act
Title of the Regulation SOR/CRC/SI Number 2015 Count
Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations C.R.C., c. 1370 0

Total Count: 15945

Previous years' counts for Health Canada are available upon request.

Contact Information

Please contact:
Brenda Czich
Health Canada
11 Holland Av, Tower A, Room 523

For More Information

To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit the Canada Gazette website and the Consulting with Canadians website.

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