Guidance for developing datasets for conventional pest control product applications: data codes for parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10

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This document is an update to the Health Canada Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s (PMRA) Guidance for Developing a Database for Conventional Pest Control Products, which was first made available to registrants and applicants of pesticides and other pest control products in July 2013. An applicant applying to register a pesticide in Canada can use this information to better understand the data required for completing their application. This guidance must be used along with the Data Code (DACO) Tables and use-site category information available on the Pesticides section of The DACO tables outline the required data elements for a specific use-site category and this guidance document will clarify the conditions for each required data element. Note that this document contains guidance and conditions for DACO Parts 1 through 10, excluding Parts 8 and 9, which are being developed separately (refer to PRO2016-01-Regulatory Proposal: Revised Environmental Data Requirements).

Update Update/Rationale
February 2021: Parts 2 and 3 Chemistry, DACO 4.6.9 Safety to Treated Animals Amendments to guidance for certain Chemistry data requirements to clarify guidance and reflect current practice.

Amendment to DACO 4.6.9 to reflect changes outlined in the PMRA Guidance Document, Revisions to the Data Requirements for Pesticide Products used on Companion Animals of 6 December 2019.
July 2018: Acute Dermal Toxicity DACO 4.2.2 and DACO 4.6.2 To reflect the results of the retrospective analyses outlined in SPN2017-03.
July 2018: Acute Studies: DACO 4.2 and DACO 4.6 To reflect expanded set of considerations for data waivers outlined in OECD guidance document.
March 2016: Short-term Oral Toxicity: DACO 4.3.2 To reflect changes to the requirement for a 1-year dog toxicity study.
September 2015: Part 2, 3: Chemistry, Part 10 Value Amendments to guidance for certain Chemistry and Value data requirements.

For more information, please contact the Pest Management Information Service.

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