Health Canada
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Drugs and Health Products

Description - Figure 34: Valid combination of dosage form, units and method of preparation

 This figure is a snapshot of the medicinal ingredients portion of the form under part A. It contains 9 segments. From top to bottom and left to right. In first field 75.a* the form asks for the ‘Proper Name’ giving choices in a drop down menu, to the right of this segment, it has the entry ‘Common Name*’ with also a drop down menu. In segment 73 a required entry is the Standard or Grade with a drop down menu. Right of this segment can be found the ingredient type*, with the text entry “Defined Organism Substance”. Right of this segment the ‘77a. Quantity’ must be entered per dosage unit. At the right of this segment there is ‘77.b unit of measure’. Below, to the left of this level is 79. ‘Animal tissue**’ segment that provides, two radio buttons that are a “Yes” and a “No”. At the right of this segment, the box asks if the ingredient is synthetic with two radio button that are a “Yes” and a “No”. At the right of this segment, the box asks if there is additional quantity or additional units. On the level below, Source material(s)* are required with the text entry Vaccinium myrtillus I – Fruit with a drop down menu. In this field there is the option to Add a source material by clicking the add a source material at the left of the box. Below this segment can be found the Methods of Preparation * with a selectable drop down menu.