Health Canada
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Drugs and Health Products

Description - Figure 45: Topical product - Part A

This figure is a snapshot of the Medicinal Ingredient(s) portion of the form under part A. It contains 12 segments. From top to bottom and left to right. In first field 75.* the form asks for the proper name giving choices in a drop down menu, text entry in this field is : “Trigonella foenum-graecum L (Fabaceae). To the right of this segment, it has the entry Common Name* with also a drop down menu. In segment 73 a required entry is the Standard or Grade with a drop down menu. Right of this segment can be found the Ingredient Type*, with the text entry “Defined Organism Substance”. Right of this segment 77a. is defined as Quantity per dosage unit*. At the right of this segment there is 77b. Unit of Measure*. Below, to the left of this level is 79. Animal tissue** segment that provides, two radio buttons : “Yes” and “No”. At the right of this segment, the box asks if the ingredient is Synthetic* with two radio button that are a “Yes” and a “No”. At the right of this segment, the box asks if there is Additional Quantity and Additional Units. On the level below, Source material(s)* are required with the text entry: Trigonella foenum-graecum - Seed, with a drop down menu to the far right of segment. In this field there is the option to Add a source material by clicking the add a source material at the left of the box. Below this segment can be found the Methods of Preparation * with a selectable drop down menu. Text entry is “Powdered”