Health Canada
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Description for formulas

  1. 80.0%-125.0%, if sWR ≤ 0.294 (i.e., CV ≤ 30.0%)
    Long description: 80.0 percent to 125.0 percent, if the within subject standard deviation of the log-transformed values of AUC of the reference product is less than or equal to 0.294 open parenthesis that is the coefficient of variation is less than or equal to 30.0 percent close parenthesis.
  2. [exp(-0.76sWR) X 100.0%]-[exp(0.76sWR) X 100.0%] if 0.294 < sWR ≤ 0.472 (i.e., 30.0% < CV ≤ 50.0%)
    Long description: open square bracket natural exponent open parenthesis nefative 0.76 times the within subject standard deviation of the log-transformed values of AUC of the reference product end parenthesis times 100.0 percent close square bracket to open square bracket natural exponent open parenthesis 0.76 times the within subject standard deviation of the log-transformed values of AUC of the reference product close parenthesis time 100.0 percent close square bracket if 0.294 is less than the within subject standard deviation of the log-transformed values of AUC of the reference product is less than or equal to 0.472 open parenthesis that is 30.0 percent is less than the coefficient of variation is less than or equal to 50.0 percent, or.
  3. 69.8%-143.2%, if sWR > 0.472 (i.e., CV > 50.0%)
    Long description: 69.8 percent to 143.2 percent if the within subject standard deviation of the log-transformed values of AUC of the reference product is greater than 0.472 open parenthesis that is a coefficient of variation greater than 50.0 percent close parenthesis semi colon.